The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) has officially handed the Not-for-profit Sector Development Blueprint to the Federal Government. This Blueprint shows clearly the enormous role the Not-for-profit (NFP) sector performs across Australia.
The Blueprint, developed by representatives and experts from the NFP Sector, sets out a 10-year vision for the future of the sector. It contains a framework, core initiatives and an implementation approach designed to ensure we have a strong and thriving sector that can continue to support Australia’s people, communities and environment.

Mark Pearce, Volunteering Australia CEO, and member of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group said the NFP sector plays a vital role in bringing people together and fostering a sense of belonging across the nation. “The Blueprint offers a clear, evidence-based pathway to strengthen the NFP sector and address the challenges we face. We urge the government to accept the recommendations outlined in the Blueprint and commit to the solutions needed to ensure the sector can continue its critical work of enabling resilient, inclusive, and vibrant communities.”
The Blueprint draws on the National Strategy for Volunteering, recognising that the charitable sector engages 3.2 million volunteers, and more than half of Australia’s charities are run entirely by volunteers.
The Blueprint is a starting point, not an end position, for long-term meaningful reform that will increase the capability and sustainability of the NFP Sector. It is the culmination of nearly two years’ work for the Blueprint Expert Reference Group, supported by a Secretariat in the Department of Social Services, incorporating significant public consultation.
The Blueprint is accessible via the Department of Social Services website.
The Joint Statement from the Blueprint Expert Reference Group is accessible via the MediaNet website.