Young people volunteer in some of the highest proportions of any age group, contributing to issues that matter to them including climate change, conservation, gender equality and youth empowerment. One in three young people report that they are volunteering; that’s nearly 600 million youth worldwide!
In an endeavour to recognise the volunteer efforts of young people; Volunteering Tasmania has partnered with Student Volunteer Army New Zealand (SVA) to trial a youth-based volunteering program.
The Student Volunteer Army aims to celebrate youth volunteers and the time they invest in their community. The program will recognise and link youth volunteering to skills that support young people to get jobs, build networks and increase civic participation.
By recognising and celebrating youth volunteering, Volunteering Tasmania hopes to create a culture of volunteering in the next generation. This program is available for public high school students and young people registered through job hubs in Tasmania.
By celebrating the contribution of youth volunteers and recognising the power of community participation as a nation, we will assist volunteering to thrive.