Page Contents
Volunteering Australia is the national peak body for volunteering.
Volunteering is the heart of Australian communities.
- Where more people volunteer more often.
- Where volunteers feel respected and know their contribution makes a difference.
- Where volunteering is valued and properly considered in policy settings, service design, and strategic investment.
- Where diversity in volunteering is recognised, celebrated, and supported.
- Where people individually and collectively realise their potential for creating thriving communities.
We share this vision with other members of the volunteering ecosystem.
This vision was co-designed with thousands of people from across Australia during the development of the National Strategy for Volunteering.
We believe volunteering empowers people to make a positive impact and leads to more inclusive and flourishing communities.
We support a thriving volunteering ecosystem in Australia by promoting and advocating for volunteering and providing leadership at a national level.
These are the principles that guide everything we do at Volunteering Australia.
Courageously pursue excellence
We are committed to courageously pursuing change, even when it is hard or unpopular. We act with integrity: striving to do what is right, not simply what is easy. A commitment to continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence energises everything we do.
Combine passion with evidence
We are passionate about volunteering and the benefits it has for people, places, and the planet. Everything we do combines this passion with evidence: research, lived experience, and expert advice.
Inspire collaboration
We believe that we are better together. We collaborate with others so that we can collectively harness our potential for a brighter future.
Prioritise equity
We strive to take an intersectional approach, through a commitment to amplifying diverse voices and breaking down systemic barriers to inclusion.
Our Activities and Strategic Directions
Our strategic directions build on our existing strengths and provide a framework to move Volunteering Australia towards a future state where we are maximising our impact. Our strategic directions are designed to complement the work of other members of the volunteering ecosystem, including our foundation members (the state and territory Volunteering Peak Bodies), so that we can collectively achieve a better future for volunteering.
Policy development and advocacy
We undertake policy analysis and development so that our advocacy promotes practical, evidence-based and innovative proposals for change.
Strategic Direction 1: We will strengthen our policy and advocacy capacity to provide guidance and promote change across the full breadth of policy issues relevant to volunteering.
Strategic Direction 2: We will develop and nurture relationships with our global peers so that we can share learning and collaborate internationally.
Communications and engagement
We represent volunteering in Australia at the national level, striving to ensure volunteering is comprehensively valued.
Strategic Direction 3: We will develop further strategic alliances and partnerships to amplify our voice at the national level and strengthen our policy and advocacy impact.
Strategic Direction 4: We will innovate in our communications and marketing strategies to enhance our reach and influence.
Ecosystem support and infrastructure
We support the volunteering ecosystem through our subject matter expertise and the provision of frameworks, tools, and resources that enhance volunteer engagement, organisational capacity, and overall societal impact.
Strategic Direction 5: We will target support through advancing key pieces of national infrastructure (for example, the National Strategy for Volunteering, the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement, and the Volunteering Gateway).
Research and knowledge sharing
We are leaders and demonstrate excellence in research and data analysis that informs volunteering policy and practice.
Strategic Direction 6: We will build upon existing research infrastructure (for example, the National Volunteering Research Network) and enhance our knowledge translation function to meet the information needs of the volunteering ecosystem.
Enacting the Strategy
We are committed to achieving our purpose in the most effective and financially
sustainable way.
Everything we do is enabled by a collaborative and supportive culture, effective
leadership and governance, and a diverse and thriving team.
We hold ourselves accountable to the implementation of our strategy and to
tracking our impact. Our refreshed Theory of Change will guide this commitment.
Impact Strategy 2024-2027
- Volunteering Australia – Impact Strategy 2024-2027
- Volunteering Australia – Impact Strategy 2024-2027 – Summary
Theory of Change
Commitment to Volunteer Involvement
Volunteering Australia recognises volunteer involvement as integral to its operations and makes a commitment to run a safe, supported and sustainable volunteering program that meets the needs of the organisation and our volunteers.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement
At Volunteering Australia equity, diversity, and inclusion is at the core of who we are. We strive to position these values at the forefront of all we do. We are strong advocates for centring diverse voices and believe in the transformative power of volunteering in creating inclusive communities.
More information on Volunteering Australia
- Patron
- Reconciliation Action Plan
- Meet the Team - Meet the staff of Volunteering Australia
- History
- Board Members
- Career Opportunities
- Annual Reports