Volunteering Australia has provided a submission on Charity Fundraising in the 21st Century. The submission demonstrates that volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations comprise a significant part of the fundraising sector. It also makes recommendations to streamline fundraising practices, reduce red tape, and the immense administrative and regulatory burdens that exist for many volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations.
- Implement a cohesive and nationally consistent fundraising system, which includes repealing fragmented State and Territory laws, implementing a Fundraising Act to govern Charity Fundraising, and removing duplicative regulatory requirements
- Ensure that any changes do not increase the regulatory burden
- Amend Australian Consumer Law to ensure its application to fundraising activities is clear and broad
- Implement a code of conduct for all fundraisers, ensuring that the role of volunteers is clearly articulated
- Guarantee that the needs of volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations are considered in the reforms