Today, as we celebrate International Volunteer Day 2023, we reflect on the profound significance of this year’s theme, ‘If Everyone Did.’ In our current times, this call to action holds more resonance than ever.
Imagine more than eight billion of us across the world volunteering. There would be limitless possibilities for sustainable development – food and education for everyone, clean environment and good health, inclusive and peaceful societies, and more.
What if everyone did?

Every volunteer journey is unique. The volunteering experiences we choose for ourselves are deeply personal and provide profound experiences that connect us to our communities and each other. Your dedication as volunteers not only brings about positive change but also enriches your own lives, offering experiences of growth, empathy, and connection.
We extend a heartfelt thank you to the millions of volunteers across Australia who are actively responding to the challenges facing the world. We appreciate the impact you are making in communities, your passion for making a difference, and the genuine values that drive you.
Your dedication inspires every one of us to contemplate how we can each play a part in this important journey of building stronger, more resilient and connected communities.
If you’re interested in volunteering and wondering how to get involved, head to your state or territory Volunteering Peak Body’s website or visit SEEK Volunteer. There are a wide range of opportunities available ensuring there’s something for everyone.
Happy International Volunteer Day.