We are delighted to announce that the National Strategy for Volunteering website is live! The website will be our virtual meeting place over the next eight months as we co-design Australia’s first National Strategy for Volunteering in ten years. On the website you’ll find everything you need to know about how you can lend your voice to this historic opportunity to reimagine volunteering in Australia. You’ll be able to read project updates, get to know some of the faces lending their expertise to our Working Groups, and register for consultations, focus groups, and share your volunteering stories.
The National Strategy brand uses warm and bright colours to foster a sense of inclusion and invite people from all walks of life to have their say. The map of Australia represents our plan to be in every state and territory to hear first-hand about people’s experiences of volunteering and their vision for the future. Finally, the use of the stylised ‘V’ which is the international symbol for volunteering is at the brand’s centre and represents the rich history of volunteering in Australia. The change from red to white symbolises our journey to reimagine an effective, inclusive, and sustainable future for volunteering in Australia.