Volunteering Australia aims to provide a response on many of the open submissions and inquiries, and is led by feedback from the volunteering ecosystem. If you would like to provide feedback, case studies or find out more please contact our Policy Team via policy@volunteeringaustralia.org.
As the primary link between the volunteering ecosystem and federal government, Volunteering Australia provides consultation into key decision making. Please see below for ongoing inquiries relevant to the volunteering ecosystem, as well as upcoming ones that are open for input.
Australia’s Disability Strategy Review
A 2024 update of the Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 has been published. Volunteering Australia advocated for the strategy to:
- Incorporate strategic consideration of, and investment in, the volunteer workforce engaged in disability services.
- Recognise and support the important role of volunteering in the lives of people with disability.
- Include how the volunteering sector can support the delivery of defined outcomes in the Strategy.
ANZSCO Comprehensive Review
‘Volunteer Coordinator’ has been included in the first edition of the Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA). Read our news post for more information.
Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint
The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) has officially handed the Not-for-profit Sector Development Blueprint to the Federal Government. This Blueprint shows clearly the enormous role the Not-for-profit (NFP) sector performs across Australia. Read our web page for more information.
The Productivity Commission Inquiry on Philanthropy
Final report and Government response published. Volunteering (the giving of time) features strongly in the Final Report of the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Philanthropy.
Select Committee on Australia’s Disaster Resilience
Final report published. Read our submission to the Select Committee on Australia’s Disaster Resilience.