Meet Barbara, a volunteer at Cancer Council WA , sharing their journey as part of our ‘Share Your Story’ Series.

Starting with Diabetes WA
“I have diabetes, and when I was diagnosed, I received a great deal of help from Diabetes WA. So when I retired in 2002, I offered my services to them. I was asked to set up a Consumer Reference Group which I chaired for 3 years.”
Consumer Involvement in Health Research
“As a result, I became very interested in the consumer involvement in health research movement. Since then, I have volunteered as a consumer representative on numerous committees and research projects, reinforcing the adage ‘Nothing about us, without us!'”
Volunteering with Cancer Council WA
“For several years now, I have been asked to review research grant applications for a number of funding organisations and when I was approached by Cancer Council WA, I was more than happy to help. This was quite personal for me as I had cared for both my parents as they battled terminal cancer and I was thrilled to be able to encourage the researchers who were fighting this dreadful disease.”

Encouraging Others to Volunteer
“I have encouraged many people to get involved in volunteering. You can meet new people, learn new skills or contribute your own expertise. It is immensely satisfying to feel you have contributed to a project or have helped someone in need and generally you are rewarded by their appreciation.”
Personal Experience Matters
“It is particularly rewarding if you are working in an area where you have personal experience or have been a carer or supporter of someone and you have first-hand knowledge of what they are going through. This can be very valuable to researchers and others you are working with as you can bring perspectives they may not have encountered.”
Love and Appreciation
“All the volunteers I know love their work and are highly appreciated by those they help.”
Photo Description
Cancer Council WA Research Awards Lunch: The photo was taken at last year’s Cancer Council WA Research Awards Lunch when I was presenting one of the Award winners. I was thrilled to meet some of the researchers we had awarded funding and discuss their work with them. Each year I am impressed at the progress we are making in the treatment of so many conditions.