Meet Bryan, a Volunteer with Co.As.It. Community Services, sharing their story as part of our ‘Share Your Story’ Series

Giving Back and Making Connections
“I was born in 1948 – age is not an issue for me. I’ve had a lot of help from a lot of people in my life. I really want to pay back some of that. Volunteering gives me a connection with people and significance – it is all about giving. You actually get a lot more as a volunteer.”
The Impact of Volunteering
“I’m part of the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS), a program of Co.As.It. Community Services tailored to provide social support and connections for older people living at home or in a residential facility. Being a volunteer for Co.As.It. is unique as you get to provide an additional connection with a client. It is the simple things that make a difference, like when you hear back from a family member like a wife or a daughter or son, and they tell you what a big difference was made in their parent’s life. You know, you’re doing the right thing.”
Advice to Future Volunteers
“I would say stop thinking about it and do it. When you start volunteering, you may find that the first thing you volunteer for is not what you want. But the only way you’re going to find what you want is by starting somewhere.”

The Reward of Listening and Learning
“The more I learned, the more I realised how little I knew. Volunteering is about listening to other people, as everybody’s got a unique story. And when you spend a lot of time with the people whom you visit, you know that a relationship is being built. You actually hear a lot of things you didn’t know about life. You hear some great stories.”
Photo Description
Bryan currently visits a group of Italian gentlemen in an aged care facility on the north side of Brisbane.